Projects & Initiatives

Underdog’s Triumph is working on several new projects and initiatives as detailed below. Our goal with each project is to improve education throughout the community on modern dog training methods and encourage safe, positive force free training methods and tools are used. We are working hard to expand our projects and reach, so if you have other ideas for programs you’d like to see us offer to the general community or to a specific rescue or shelter, please use the contact us page and select Projects & Initiatives.


(Pilot Only) Force Free & Positive Training Starter Pack:

This is a pilot only program currently in the works with the Boone Area Human Society. If you are a shelter, rescue or foster organization interested in joining this pilot program, please contact us for more details or to get on our waiting list.

One of the most common reasons dogs are relinquished to shelters is due to behavioral issues – jumping, pulling, accidents, destructive behaviors, etc. Yet with dog training being an unregulated industry, many are misinformed on how to treat these common issues. This leads pet owners choosing ineffective methods and under-educated trainers that frequently make behavioral problems worse. Ineffective methods traditionally work via fear and pain (prong collars, choke chains, sprays, e-collars etc) and any initial successes tends to be short lived. These methods not only are less effective than positive methods, but also increases reactivity/aggression in dogs and damages trust between owner/dog. Underdog’s Triumph seeks to educate the shelter community, fosters, volunteers, and general public about up-to-date, scientifically based training methods to address these behavioral & training issues.

For these starter packs, we would prepare a semi-customizable set of training tools and enrichment toys to donate to the shelter worth up to $500. We follow up this donation with an in-person educational program to teach shelter staff and volunteers the benefits and impacts of force-free training and how they can apply these new concepts in their shelter work. After the staff/volunteers are trained, we propose a partnership event open to members in the community, volunteers and/or fosters. This would consist of a similar curriculum except with focus being on the needs of dogs in a home environment vs rescue/shelter. These educational programs, tailored to the needs of the shelter, can continue on for as long as both parties would like them to, providing an educational and community outreach for the shelter with no added costs to the shelter itself.


Trade Up Program:

This program is designed to help owners currently using aversive tools gain access to force free tools instead. During our training sessions, if a client currently uses prong or choke chain we will offer them a “trade up” to exchange these aversive tools for a brand new front/back clip harness. This helps get aversive tools out of the general population an increases awareness of the safety and effectiveness of non-aversive tools like a harness. We will also provide education on how to use a management tool like a front clip harness to aid in teaching loose leash walking as well as provide information on the risks associated with using aversive tools.